... Szabályozó legfontosabb jellemzői és műszaki adatai:
Intelligens fűtésvezérlés: A szabályozó lehetővé teszi a fűtőszál szabályozásának pontos kezelését melegvíz tárolókhoz, akár 3 kW teljesítménnyel.
Zigbee-kapcsolódás: A Zigbee kommunikációs protokoll használatával a szabályozó vezeték nélkül kommunikálhat más Zigbee-kompatibilis eszközökkel, és integrálható az Ön okos otthon rendszerébe.
Cikkszám: SMRT-HOT-WTR-30-S2...
Vous souhaitez rendre votre bien intelligent ? Nous pouvons vous installer un système domotique et rendre entièrement votre maison connectée ou votre appartement. L’automatisation de votre logement à des avantages en matière de sécurité mais aussi d’économie d’énergie.Nous réalisons un diagnostic sécurité afin de vous conseiller et gérer l’automatisation de vos appareils électroniques. Nous sommes en mesure de sécuriser votre logement en installant un système de détection et de caméras intelligentes et performantes. Grâce à la domotique, vous pourrez contrôler votre chauffage, votre climatisation ou vos luminaires à distance depuis votre smartphone. Même en votre absence, vous pourrez gérer vos consommations énergétiques ainsi que la sécurité de votre logement.
Sicherheit auf höchstem Niveau
Die ideale Alarmanlage in Berlin springt schon dann an, wenn Unbefugte das Objekt ihrer Begierde
näher auskundschaften.
La domotique est l'ensemble des techniques de l'électronique, de physique du bâtiment, d'automatisme, de l'informatique et des télécommunications utilisées dans les bâtiments, plus ou moins « interopérables » et permettant de centraliser le contrôle des différents systèmes et sous-systèmes de la maison et de l'entreprise (chauffage, volets roulants, porte de garage, portail d'entrée, prises électriques, etc.).
La domotique vise à apporter des solutions techniques pour répondre aux besoins de confort (gestion d'énergie, optimisation de l'éclairage et du chauffage), de sécurité (alarme) et de communication (commandes à distance, signaux visuels ou sonores, etc.) que l'on peut retrouver dans les maisons, les hôtels, les lieux publics, etc.
Die LUPUSEC Alarmanlagen sind innovative Systeme für Haus-Sicherheit, Videoüberwachung und Smart Home Steuerung. Ganz ohne bauliche Veränderungen bieten sie effektiven Schutz zuhause und im Betrieb.
Mehr Komfort
Mehr Sicherheit
Mehr Energieeffizienz
Schon heute empfinden ca. 80 Prozent der Internet-Nutzer die komplette Vernetzung des Haushaltes als deutlichen Zusatznutzen und in wenigen Jahren wird das Thema Hausautomation selbstverständlich sein. Insbesondere bei Neubauten sollten Sie deshalb die Integration eines KNX/EIB-Systems in Betracht ziehen.
Le système complet fenêtre et volet roulant extérieur améliore les performances de la menuiserie en PVC. En hiver, les volets roulants Alu renforcent l’isolation thermique et, en été, limitent les apports de chaleur.
Ainsi, ils maintiennent une température intérieure idéale et ils peuvent limiter les coûts supplémentaires pour la climatisation. Les volets roulants préservent l’ intimité des regards et ils vous protègent également des intrusions. Pour une sécurité renforcée, équipez votre menuiserie en PVC avec les volets roulants anti-effraction. En toute saison, les volets roulants vous en aluminium assurent le confort.
We provide expert assembly services for smart home devices, ensuring that every product meets high standards of functionality and safety. Our comprehensive approach guarantees seamless integration of all components, ready for use.
Steuerung von allen eingebundenden Geräten in einem Objekt mit einem Tastendruck
Mit Smart - Home und Smart-Business steuern Sie alle in einem Objekt eingebundenen Geräte mittels einfachen Tastendrucks auf einer Fernbedienung. Jalousien, Videoprojektoren, die Alarmanlage und viele andere Geräte können unkompliziert bedient werden. KDW Smart - Systeme machen Ihr Leben angenehmer, sicherer und reduzieren nebenbei noch den Energieaufwand.
Clar Cerrajeros asentaa videovalvontajärjestelmiä vuokrakohteisiin, mikä mahdollistaa omistajien kiinteistöjen valvonnan. Tämä palvelu on ihanteellinen niille, jotka haluavat lisätä kiinteistöjensä turvallisuutta ja suojata niitä luvattomalta pääsyltä. Videovalvontajärjestelmät tarjoavat reaaliaikaista valvontaa ja tallennusta, mikä auttaa omistajia reagoimaan nopeasti mahdollisiin uhkiin. Asennuspalvelumme on suunniteltu tarjoamaan sinulle mielenrauhaa ja varmistamaan, että kiinteistösi on aina suojattu.
Vous pouvez rapidement configurer ou supprimer l'accès des employés, recevoir des alertes déclenchées par l'accès lorsque certaines portes sont ouvertes et trouver rapidement des clips vidéo des événements d'accès. Vous pouvez également verrouiller et déverrouiller n'importe quelle porte à distance, et même faire en sorte que votre entreprise se verrouille automatiquement à l'heure de fermeture. Les systèmes d'alarme incendie intelligents aident à fournir une protection vitale aux entreprises, aux propriétaires et aux bâtiments du secteur public en améliorant les équipements de détection d'incendie traditionnels. Découvrez comment fonctionnent les systèmes d'alarme incendie intelligents et ce...
Une surveillance fiable et professionnelle garantit que votre entreprise, votre inventaire et votre équipement sont toujours protégés. Combiné avec les systèmes de sécurité STANLEY, vous disposez d'une sécurité
AC EV Charger with Socket
EEV Smart EV Charger with Type 2 (IEC 62196-2) Plug Socket IP55 Electric Vehicle Charging Station EV Wallbox CE Certified
Highlights :
1-Phase from 3.7kW to 7.4kW
3-Phase from 4.1kW to 22kW
Full Protection
Dynamic Load Balancing (optional)
Open Charge Point Protocol (optional)
Customize All Types of Connectors
Smart Version with APP (optional)
3 Years Warranty
Power Converter Optimization
EEV’s EV chargers range from 3.7kW to 22kW for AC models and up to 600kW for DC units. Every model in the EEV AC EV charger lineup features advanced Dynamic Load Balancing (DLB) technology, ensuring superior efficiency and smarter energy management. DC chargers, while powerful, do not include DLB. The integration of a DLB box with AC chargers enables a shift towards solar energy usage, reducing grid electricity reliance. This approach underscores our commitment to eco-friendly charging by optimizing renewable energy sources.
Advanced Cooling Systems
Our EV Charger features advanced thermal management through the application of thermally conductive adhesive. This adhesive enhances the contact area between the heat-generating components and the charger’s casing, facilitating partial heat dissipation through the outer shell.
This design ensures optimal heat regulation, contributing to the charger’s efficiency and longevity.
Modular Design
EEV offers customizable all types of connectors and provides options for both wall mounted EV charger and floor mounted EV charger, which allow for easy customization and installation in various settings.
High-Quality Materials
Our EV Charger is crafted from UL-certified PC+ABS, offering high toughness and flame resistance. It’s designed to endure extreme temperatures, suitable for storage environments from -40°C to 85°C.
Stable Power Management Systems
The Emergency Stop Switch, built-in Type B RCD, and compatibility with Solar PV Systems contribute to stable and safe power management, preventing damage from power fluctuations.
Self-developed OCPP Platform
EEV EVsaas platform is self-developed charging management based on OCPP 1.6J. With a simple setup, it allows you to track, manage and optimize your EV charging.
Users scan the code for charging through EVsaas APP, you can monitor the charging status in real-time in the background.
You can also obtain detailed charging data and billing information according to different time periods.
Commercial Charging Monitoring
BCP-MH-01, EEV EV charger monitoring device, is an independently researched and developed device.
It can simultaneously monitor multiple EV chargers and intelligently distribute current based on the usage of each EV charger.
Therefore, it safely prevents overload. Meanwhile, it can also monitor the fault of the EV charger and the RS485 communication status to improve the use efficiency.
Sensores contra incendios, fugas de agua y gas, cámaras de vigilancia interiores y exteriores, aire acondicionado por conductos,
sensores de movimiento, monitoreo y control remoto de todos los sistemas domésticos a través de Internet.
Датчики против пожара, утечки воды и газа, камеры внутреннего и наружного наблюдения, канальные кондиционеры,
датчики движения, удаленный мониторинг и управление всеми системами дома через интернет
Specializing in smart home devices, our assembly services focus on delivering high-quality, user-ready products. We offer custom packaging solutions that enhance the appeal and safety of your smart home devices
Wohnen und arbeiten mit smarter Elektrotechnik.
Noch immer denken viele beim Begriff Smart Home an luxuriöse und aufwändige Installationen und technische Spielereien. Dabei ist Smart Home heute eine der flexibelsten Varianten der Elektrotechnik und auch für einen kleineren Geldbeutel erschwinglich. Das Ziel von Smart Home ist größtmöglicher Komfort, individueller Wohlfühlfaktor und optimale Sicherheit, kombiniert mit effizienter und nachhaltiger Einsparung von Energiekosten. Das Smart Home Konzept basiert auf künstlicher Intelligenz und Vernetzung.
Our range of services also includes integrated automation for residential and commercial buildings. The goals of a good automation of a building are: one control system for all systems within the building, to ensure comfort, to reduce energy consumption, to create an intuitive control system.
Alarm systems in Gateshead provide essential security, ensuring your home or business is protected from unauthorized access. High-quality systems offer features like motion detection, alerts, and integration with smart devices for convenient monitoring.
Home alarm systems are tailored to protect Gateshead residents from burglary and intrusion. These systems include door and window sensors, glass break detectors, and advanced mobile app controls to monitor your home from anywhere.
Commercial alarm systems are designed for Gateshead businesses to secure their assets, employees, and premises. They provide reliable intrusion detection, fire alarms, and video verification to ensure comprehensive protection.
Burglar alarms are crucial in safeguarding Gateshead properties. These systems feature high-decibel sirens and alert mechanisms that deter potential intruders and ensure swift response in the event of a break-in.
Intruder alarms focus on detecting and alerting Gateshead property owners of unauthorized entries. Advanced options include PIR (Passive Infrared) sensors and pet-friendly options to avoid false alarms while providing reliable protection.
Wireless alarm systems offer a convenient, cable-free solution for Gateshead residents. They are easy to install, flexible, and can be seamlessly integrated with smart home systems, offering a reliable security solution without invasive wiring.
Professional alarm system installation ensures your Gateshead alarm system functions optimally. Installation by certified technicians guarantees that sensors, cameras, and alerts are properly configured and functional.
Security alarms are designed to protect Gateshead properties from a range of risks. These systems include burglary, fire, and CO alarms, combining several protective features into one seamless system for comprehensive home security.
Smart alarm systems offer Gateshead residents advanced features, including remote control, voice command compatibility, and real-time alerts. These systems integrate with smart devices, allowing users to manage their security remotely.
Home security alarms provide Gateshead residents with 24/7 monitoring and immediate alerts, whether at home or on the go. These systems are highly customizable, catering to individual security needs for a secure living environment.
17 Dean Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1PQ
Depuis quelques années, les valeurs transformatrices de l'Internet des objets (IoT) pour l'automatisation des maisons et des bâtiments connectés suscitent un vif intérêt. Il est donc plus approprié de conserver notre VE Smart home/ buildings/cities et de distinguer les délicates différences entre eux. Le BMS (Building Management System) est largement "analogique" et pas nécessairement interactif ou contrôlable à distance. Alors qu'une maison intelligente est plus susceptible d'être entièrement "numérique" et contrôlable à distance via l'internet.
La société de recherche sur l'IdO, Statista, a récemment publié un rapport indiquant que le marché mondial des maisons intelligentes pourrait atteindre 53,45 milliards de dollars d'ici 2022.
Digiclass su arıtma cihazı içerdiği 5 aşamalı filtrasyon teknolojisi ile 8.5 Ph seviyesinde alkalin su elde etmeyi sağlar. Hindistan Cevizi filtresi sayesinde yüksek kaliteli içme suyu elde etmenizi sağlar. Şık tasarımı ve dahili tankı ile minimum yer kaplayan Digiclass modeli yaşamınıza kolaylık katar. Tazyikli su elde etmenizi sağlayan Digiclass modeli Tak çevir filtre sistemi ile kolay filtre değişimi sağlar.
Arıtma Cihazlarında
Kullandığımız Filtre Teknolojisi
Kaba tortu, Kum, Çakıl, Çamur gibi maddelerin arıtılmasını sağlar.
Ters Ozmos membran filtreyi koruyarak optimum filtre ömrü sağlar.
Suyun renk, tat ve koku dengesini düzenler. Klor ve diğer
kimyasalları arıtarak membran filtrenin korunmasını sağlar.
Kaba tortu, Kum, Çakıl, Çamur gibi maddelerin arıtılmasını sağlar.
Ters Ozmos membran filtreyi koruyarak optimum filtre ömrü sağlar.
Ters Ozmos işlemini gerçekleştirerek suyun yarı geçirgen zar olan
membrandan geçirilerek arıtılmasını sağlar Nano boyutta tortu partikül,
ağır metal, kimyasal, virüs, bakteri, mikroorganizma ve kirecin arıtılmasını sağlar.
Hindistan cevizi kabuğu ve granül karbon içerir. Musluktan akmadan
hemen önce suyu son kez arıtarak lezzetli olmasını sağlar.
Mit unseren modernen Smart-Home-Systemen können Sie Beleuchtung, Heizung und Sicherheitssysteme einfach über eine App auf Ihrem Smartphone steuern. Nutzen Sie die neueste Technologie, um Ihr Zuhause energieeffizienter und komfortabler zu gestalten. Unsere Lösungen bieten maximalen Komfort, höchste Sicherheit und erhebliche Energieeinsparungen – genau auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten.
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HOME, prodotto da Air Bee, nasce dall'idea di migliorare la qualità dell'aria attraverso una tecnologia innovativa, sicura ed ecologica, con funzionalità SMART. La purificazione attiva è ottenuta riproducendo il processo della fotocatalisi presente in natura con l'utilizzo di un catalizzatore pentametallico ed una lampada UV ad alta intensità, inoltre sono presenti anche un filtro lavabile ricoperto di biossido di titanio e un filtro HEPA H13 efficace contro il particolato fine La sinergia della filtrazione passiva e la purificazione attiva di Home permette l'abbattimento di virus, batteri, muffe, lieviti, composti organici volatili "VOC" ( formaldeide, benzene, alcooli, ammoniaca) e polveri sottili, presenti in ambienti e sulle superfici.
Specializing in smart device assembly, we offer high-quality electronic device assembly and comprehensive assembly solutions to ensure your products meet the highest standards in the industry.
Professional CCTV installation in Gateshead provides property owners with enhanced security. Proper installation ensures that cameras are optimally placed to capture clear footage, covering all essential areas and minimizing blind spots.
Home CCTV installation secures Gateshead residences, protecting families and property. Residential CCTV systems typically include HD cameras, motion detection, and night vision to ensure high-quality footage day and night.
Commercial CCTV installation in Gateshead offers businesses vital surveillance options. These systems monitor activities inside and outside business premises, deterring theft, ensuring employee safety, and providing valuable evidence if incidents occur.
Wireless CCTV systems offer Gateshead residents a flexible security option without complicated wiring. They are ideal for easy installation and can connect to WiFi networks, providing real-time monitoring via smartphones and tablets.
Outdoor CCTV installation helps Gateshead property owners monitor and secure outdoor spaces. These weatherproof cameras are designed to withstand the elements and capture detailed footage in various lighting conditions, ensuring round-the-clock outdoor surveillance.
Indoor CCTV cameras monitor Gateshead homes and businesses, providing security in hallways, offices, and common areas. These cameras offer high-resolution imaging, discreet designs, and wide-angle lenses to capture clear indoor footage.
CCTV monitoring systems in Gateshead allow property owners to view live camera feeds. These systems are available for both homes and businesses, enabling remote access to footage and instant notifications if suspicious activity is detected.
Smart CCTV systems provide Gateshead residents with advanced monitoring capabilities, integrating with smart devices. These systems offer voice control, remote access, and real-time alerts, allowing users to monitor their security from anywhere.
High-definition CCTV systems deliver clear, detailed footage for Gateshead properties. These HD cameras are crucial for identifying faces, license plates, and other details, enhancing the effectiveness of surveillance in high-traffic areas.
CCTV installation services in Gateshead offer professional guidance for selecting and installing the right surveillance system. Experienced technicians ensure systems are configured properly, providing a reliable, customized security solution.
17 Dean Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1PQ
Professional CCTV installation in Newcastle provides property owners with enhanced security. Proper installation ensures that cameras are optimally placed to capture clear footage, covering all essential areas and minimizing blind spots.
Home CCTV installation secures Newcastle residences, protecting families and property. Residential CCTV systems typically include HD cameras, motion detection, and night vision to ensure high-quality footage day and night.
Commercial CCTV installation in Newcastle offers businesses vital surveillance options. These systems monitor activities inside and outside business premises, deterring theft, ensuring employee safety, and providing valuable evidence if incidents occur.
Wireless CCTV systems offer Newcastle residents a flexible security option without complicated wiring. They are ideal for easy installation and can connect to WiFi networks, providing real-time monitoring via smartphones and tablets.
Outdoor CCTV installation helps Newcastle property owners monitor and secure outdoor spaces. These weatherproof cameras are designed to withstand the elements and capture detailed footage in various lighting conditions, ensuring round-the-clock outdoor surveillance.
Indoor CCTV cameras monitor Newcastle homes and businesses, providing security in hallways, offices, and common areas. These cameras offer high-resolution imaging, discreet designs, and wide-angle lenses to capture clear indoor footage.
CCTV monitoring systems in Newcastle allow property owners to view live camera feeds. These systems are available for both homes and businesses, enabling remote access to footage and instant notifications if suspicious activity is detected.
Smart CCTV systems provide Newcastle residents with advanced monitoring capabilities, integrating with smart devices. These systems offer voice control, remote access, and real-time alerts, allowing users to monitor their security from anywhere.
High-definition CCTV systems deliver clear, detailed footage for Newcastle properties. These HD cameras are crucial for identifying faces, license plates, and other details, enhancing the effectiveness of surveillance in high-traffic areas.
CCTV installation services in Newcastle offer professional guidance for selecting and installing the right surveillance system. Experienced technicians ensure systems are configured properly, providing a reliable, customized security solution.
17 Dean Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1PQ
La Progettazione riguarda in particolar modo gli edifici di nuova costruzione, ma anche l’integrazione degli Impianti Elettrici Utilizzatori, la predisposizione di impianti ausiliari, telefonici e di trasmissione dati, negli edifici civili e industriali.
In genere comprende una o più attività tra le seguenti:
- Analisi delle esigenze del Committente
- Studio dei Sistemi necessari, in funzione delle norme di riferimento
- Scelta del Sistema e dei componenti in funzione dell’offerta di mercato
- Eventuale valutazione Efficienza Energetica
- Redazione del Progetto (Relazioni – Calcoli - Elaborati Grafici)
- Computi Metrici - Capitolato Speciale d’Appalto
- Indicazione degli elementi per il Piano di Sicurezza e Coordinamento
- Deposito Progetto, ove necessario, presso l’Ufficio Comunale di competenza
- Eventuale assistenza ai lavori